Home > General > SEO Trends Your Business Needs To Follow In 2018

SEO Trends Your Business Needs To Follow In 2018

Written by Contributor, on 20th Apr 2018. Posted in General

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SEO has and is continuing to dominate the digital world, especially for small businesses looking to make their mark in their industry. Sitting at the top of search engine rankings can bring in improved click-through rates (CTR), a higher chance of conversions and even adds a level of credibility to your brand. But how do you keep up? Companies such as Absolute SEO agency are making it possible to get help and advice when it’s needed, with the opportunity to invest in a campaign to send your site to the top of the rankings by keeping up to date with ongoing SEO trends, but what are they? Here, we’re exploring the SEO trends your business needs to follow in 2018.

Mobile Optimisation

The introduction of Google’s Mobile-First Index is making it more vital than ever to optimise your website for mobile. From increasing your page’s loading speed on mobile, to ensuring that the entire page operates properly on mobile devices, ensuring that everything is in check is a must not only for Google’s ranking system, but for user experience (more on that later!) Most of us turn to our mobiles for quick searches nowadays and companies that aren’t ensuring the usability and optimisation of their sites for mobile could see their rankings suffer on mobile and desktop.

Visual Search

As anyone with a social media account will tell you, internet use has become much more visual. Scrolling your Facebook timeline, you’re likely to see more videos and pictures than status updates or text posts, and even Twitter is following the same trend. Of course, the rise of apps like Instagram and Snapchat has helped cater to this trend and as a result, SEO trends are starting to adjust accordingly. Visual search is already possible and brands will need to begin focusing their content to be much more visual to help them stand out amongst their competitors.

Quick Answers

Google Answer Box is something that most of us have probably used by this point, but might not have known what it was at the time. Google answer box is quite literally the box that appears at the top of search results that provides you with the answer you need straight away. Sites can have a better chance at hitting this box if the information on their page is precise and to the point. In other words, make sure you create content that holds how, why and where answers in a concise way. You can also use Google’s Keyword Planner in order to work out which queries are being asked most in relation to your company or its services – but make sure they don’t already have an answer there!

Refreshed And New Content

While this is hardly a new trend, making sure that your site is full of good quality, interesting and engaging content is a fool-proof way to ensure that Google ranks your site highly and keeps it there. That being said, you also need to make sure that you’re constantly refreshing old content, and posting new stuff as often as possible. When it comes to refreshing, take the content already on your site, go through it and refresh it and then republish. This could help bring in organic traffic in the same way as new content through attracting consumers with recent dating. People are more inclined to choose content that is more recent in their search for relevancy, so take advantage!

User Experience

Your users are everything to your business. Users are visitors, and visitors become customers and clients, so you’ll want to ensure that you’re following user experience to its fullest. While this has always been the case, 2018 is seeing SEO circle around user experience in its entirety. Page speed, readability, site structure and more will all cater to decreasing bounce rates and improving your chances of conversions. As a result, businesses are advised to start working towards a more user-friendly and personalised experience in order to maintain and interact with their potential leads.

SEO has never been so important and 2018 is looking to be an exciting year in the industry. Keeping up with competitors and ensuring optimised content on your site can help bring your site to the top of search engine ranking, but it’s important to do your best to follow the trends to give yourself the best chance of success.

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