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Dublin presents an opportunity for both Occupiers and Investors

Written by Robert McHugh, on 19th Aug 2016. Posted in Ireland

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JLL Ireland yesterday launched their latest piece of research which examines reasons why investors and occupiers turn their focus to Dublin. 

According to the report, Dublin has an open economy that is ideally located within the European Union. As the only native English-speaking member of the Eurozone and European Union, plus with easy flight access to most major cities, Dublin is ideally located as a global business destination.

Furthermore, JLL claim Dublin presents an opportunity for both Occupiers and Investors. There is a steady pipeline of new office supply in the city centre for occupiers and for investors claims the report, occupier demand and rental growth support investment fundamentals.

The report finds that Dublin is an established business location with an existing strong track record for attracting corporates. Its competitive corporate tax rate, transparent market, young workforce, plus other key attributes put Dublin in a strong position to support business growth.

Associate Director and Head of Research, Hannah Dwyer says, "The next 2 years will be a test of the resilience of Ireland’s economy, but it is hoped that Ireland’s strong forecast economic growth positions it strongly enough to react to any future shift in markets."

She added, "With such a pro-business environment and proximity to Britain, Dublin is well-positioned from an occupier and investor perspective to benefit from some of the post-Brexit uncertainty, and we are expecting to see a positive bounce in demand."

Source: www.businessworld.ie 

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