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73% of Irish workers considering a new job

Written by Robert McHugh, on 20th Jan 2024. Posted in Ireland

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Almost three quarters (73%) of professionals in Ireland are considering a new job in 2024, according to new research from LinkedIn. 

The research suggests a positive outlook by many workers in the country, with almost one in four (36%), believing that the Irish economy will improve this year.

Shift In Attitudes

Linkedin said this signals a shift in attitudes where professionals are no longer willing to 'stick it out,' instead they are taking ownership of their careers and want to make up for lost time by focusing on productivity and career growth. 

Job search activity on LinkedIn has increased, with many eager to look for new opportunities during their 9-5, as 36% of Irish workers surveyed admitted that they have looked for a new job during their working day.

Biggest Motivators

The research indicates that the need for higher wages (44%) in a challenging economic environment and the desire for better work-life balance (32%) are the biggest motivators for respondents who are considering changing jobs in 2024. 

They are also willing to explore new career paths with over one in ten (13%) of professionals surveyed saying one of the main reasons they are considering changing jobs in 2024 is because they are bored and want a change in career/ industry.  

Difficult Process

Almost one in five (17%) professionals said they do not know how to match their skills to the job they want, making the job search process more difficult. LinkedIn data shows that skills for jobs have changed 25% since 2015 and expect to change 65% globally by 2030. 

Professionals are also finding job hunting tough with 64% saying that looking for a job is frustrating and 27% said not hearing back from recruiters is one of the hardest parts of a job search. 

'The Right Opportunity'

“There are many new career opportunities emerging and specialised skillsets in areas like cybersecurity and engineering coming to the fore as key roles in demand in Ireland," said LinkedIn Ireland Country Manager, Sue Duke. "2024 also represents a moment for professionals to upskill or pivot their career in order to take advantage of new growth areas."

She added, “Ultimately investing in building your profile, highlighting how your skills are relevant to the job you want and staying on top of industry trends will improve your chances of finding the right opportunity.”

Source: www.businessworld.ie

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