Home > Ireland > Accenture Opens New Generative AI Studio in Dublin

Accenture Opens New Generative AI Studio in Dublin

Written by Robert McHugh, on 20th Feb 2024. Posted in Ireland

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Accenture has launched its new generative AI studio at The Dock, Accenture’s flagship R&D and global innovation centre. 

Clients from all industries interested in pursuing commercial uses of generative AI will now be able to visit the new studio to explore industry use cases, conduct AI pilots, and rapidly initiate and scale responsible programmes.

Generative AI Leadership Series

The opening of the Gen AI studio comes as Accenture kicks off its Generative AI Leadership Series, geared towards helping Irish companies unpack how Gen AI can help address some of their most pressing priorities.

The Dublin studio is part of Accenture’s $3 billion investment in data and AI, which will connect clients with Accenture’s top data and AI experts, who will help them leverage Accenture’s ecosystem partnerships, ventures, and strategic investments within the Centre for Advanced AI, as well as more than 1,450 patents and patent applications in its AI solutions, and learnings from more than 700 generative AI projects

'Shape Solutions'

“Gen AI is not like any previous technology revolution; it’s driving a new wave of reinvention that will change every area of every business in every industry," said Denis Hannigan, Data and AI Practice Lead, Accenture in Ireland. 

"Our clients recognise this and are ready to move beyond experimentation into piloting and scaling Gen AI programmes. 

"Drawing on our experience of client conversations, existing projects, the expertise of our people, and industry partnerships, this Gen AI studio will provide companies in Ireland with the best ideas and capabilities to shape solutions and help them reinvent their businesses, responsibly.”

Opportunity Or Threat?

Recent research from Accenture reveals that 74% of Irish leaders see Gen AI as an opportunity rather than a threat and almost seven in 10 (69%) of Irish leaders view Gen AI as more beneficial to revenue growth than cost reduction. 

The research further revealed that 82% of Irish leaders anticipate an even faster rate of change in 2024 compared to 2023, slightly less than leaders in North America and Europe (both 88%). 

Not Fully Prepared

Sixty five percent of Irish leaders see change as an opportunity, and 59% expect revenue growth to accelerate in 2024. 

Despite their optimism, half (50%) of Irish leaders say they are not fully prepared to respond to the change they will face in the 2024 business environment, compared to 49% of business leaders in Europe.

Souce: www.businessworld.ie

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