Home > General > 49% of Irish workers want employers to do more for diverse groups

49% of Irish workers want employers to do more for diverse groups

Written by Robert McHugh, on 22nd Sep 2023. Posted in General

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The Irish Centre for Diversity has launched a first-of-a-kind Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) benchmarking for the Irish market.  

It draws from the most comprehensive research into D&I in the Irish market, involving almost 100 organisations that employ over 60,000 people across both the public and private sectors. 

Equality Of Opportunity

The research shows that 2 out of 5 workers do not feel their organisation advances equality of opportunity and just half (51%) of employees believe their organisation is doing enough for diverse groups.

In addition, a third (33%) of workers in Ireland do not feel their organisations treat everyone fairly.

Management Hierarchy

When it comes to diversity, over two thirds (69%) of workers report that diversity among non-management colleagues is reflective of society, however there is still a journey to travel when ascending the management ladder. 

Sixty two percent of workers report that while junior managers reflect an accurate picture of diversity, this drops to 51% for senior management and falls further to 41% at board level in Ireland, indicating a significant disparity when moving up the management hierarchy.

Accessibility Is Key

The research shows that 16% of workers in Ireland want employers to do more to support people from a different race and ethnicity and 18% of workers seek more support for those with disabilities.

Accessibility is a key concern, and 40% of workers want employers to take more action to ensure buildings, materials and facilities cater to people’s diverse needs.

'Better Outcomes'

"The most forward-thinking and sustainable organisations have EDI firmly on the agenda as a business priority – not only for the legal compliance, or the competitive advantage it brings, but because it is simply the right thing to do," said Caroline Cummins, Managing Director at the Irish Centre for Diversity.  

"Extensive research identifies EDI as being a key differentiator for better outcomes – with direct links to innovation, retention, productivity, engagement, reputation and more."

Source: www.businessworld.ie

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