Home > General > 86% of Irish consumers believe experience is as important as products

86% of Irish consumers believe experience is as important as products

Written by Robert McHugh, on 11th May 2022. Posted in General

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As Irish customers navigate a rapidly changing world, questions of trust, values and integrity are increasingly impacting consumer relationships with companies with 91% believing trust becomes more important in times of change.

This is according to a new Salesforce report that shares insights from nearly 17,000 consumers and business buyers across 29 countries, including 650 from Ireland on the new digital-first customer engagement landscape. 
The study finds that customer engagement is decidedly digital-first, but brands are under pressure to merge online and offline interactions into a personalised experience as in-person interaction re-emerges. Sixty nine percent of Irish respondents have purchased products in new ways since 2020.  
The report shows that ss priorities and behaviours shift, established brand loyalties are undergoing tests of strength. Seventy three percent of Irish consumers have switched brands at least once last year.  
Salesforce argues this new digital-first world has changed the norms of commerce, work, and everyday life, prompting customers and brands to re-establish how they connect. As customers continue to shift their preferred experiences with brands to online channels, Salesforce say brands must re-imagine digital-first experiences that engage customers in a way that is flexible, thoughtful, and provides a personal touch. 
Commenting on the research, Country Sales Leader at Salesforce Ireland, Deirdre Purcell said, "It is more important than ever for companies to understand their customers’ needs and expectations. While businesses are navigating a changing landscape, so too are customers, with an increased importance on trust, values and integrity impacting their relationships with brands."

She added, "The accelerated demand for digital technology is set to continue, but it is not the only challenge leaders have to grapple with, they also need to focus on merging online and offline interactions into more personalised experiences. This new digital-first world means that companies in Ireland must re-establish how they connect with customers and engage them in a flexible, thoughtful manner."

Source: www.businessworld.ie

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