Home > General > Clare County Council introduces incentive schemes for ratepayers

Clare County Council introduces incentive schemes for ratepayers

Written by Robert McHugh, on 20th Apr 2016. Posted in General

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The Rates Payment Incentive Scheme and Long Term Vacant Property Incentive Scheme has been adopted by Clare County Council this week.

The Long Term Vacant Property Incentive Scheme seeks to encourage the renewed long-term rateable occupation of commercial properties that have previously been occupied for rates purposes but which have most recently been unoccupied for over two years. 

It provides for a grant payable in relation to the first three years of occupation as follows: First Year (75% of rates payable subject to €3,750 maximum), Second Year (50% of rates payable subject to €2,500 maximum) and Third Year (25% of rates payable subject to €1,250 maximum).

A spokesperson for Clare County Council said, "Following requests from Elected Members during the budget process and following analysis of arrears up to the end of 2015, the Council is introducing two new schemes to continue the drive to reduce arrears. The schemes also seek to address vacancy rates across the County as well as underline the Council's ongoing support for the small and medium enterprise sector in particular."

The Rates Payment Incentive Scheme features the payment of a grant to the occupier of a property when all the rates payable on an occupied property have been discharged on time. The first half of the rates payment is due at the time the rates bills are issued in quarter one of the year, while the second half is due on July 1st. The grant will be provided where all rates due are paid by the end of August.

Source: www.businessworld.ie

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