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US expansion continues for Digital Marketing Institute

Written by Robert McHugh, on 8th Aug 2016. Posted in Technology

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It was announced today that the Digital Marketing Institute will pursue a new partnership with the University Of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah’s flagship higher education institution. 

A recent study showed Utah ranking high for digital marketing job opportunities in America, with the highest concentration of PPC jobs per capita and third highest for SEO jobs (based on over 75k job listings on Indeed.com in June 2015).

Its booming tech startup scene, has earned the metropolitan areas of Salt Lake City, Provo and Park City the nickname of ‘Silicon Slopes’.

Through its professional education division, the University of Utah will offer the Digital Marketing Institute’s full range of professional certifications in digital marketing.  

The division focuses on delivering certificate programs that are designed to give students tangible skills that immediately translate into positive results in the commercial world.

Since June, the Digital Marketing Institute has signed three major U.S. partnership deals, rapidly continuing its professional certifications expansion into America. 

Co-founder and Director of the Digital Marketing Institute, Ian Dodson said, "Study after study shows that those with certified professional qualifications in digital marketing are in considerable demand globally and Utah is no exception."

He added, "Through this partnership we will work closely with the University of Utah to provide its students with the most up-to-date and in-demand skills that enable employers to take advantage of the opportunities digital affords."

Source: www.businessworld.ie 

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