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Bank probe to hear from EU, IMF experts

Written by Business World, on 17th Feb 2015. Posted in Economy

article headlineMarco Buti is Director-General for Economic and Financial Affair at the European Commission and Dr Donal Donovan is a former deputy director at the International Monetary Fund. Chairman Ciaran Lynch TD: "Marco Buti has been Director-General for Economic and Financial Affairs at the European Commission since December 2008. The Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs is the service in charge of economic policies, monitoring and assessing economic developments in EU Member States, reporting on the findings of its assessments to Member States and initiating specific surveillance procedures for Member States where economic developments move outside or risk moving outside the perimeters laid down in EU legislation." "Tomorrow, the Committee will consider the European Commission's role in monitoring the Irish economy in the years prior to the crisis with Mr Buti, focusing on the economic developments in the run-up to the crisis, both international and domestic, and reviewing the Commission's role in economic surveillance at that time." "Donal Donovan, is a former deputy director at the International Monetary Fund and a current member of the Irish Fiscal Advisory Council and a media commentator. He will address issues relating to the international, EU and domestic policy context for the banking crisis in Ireland, in particular his perspective on the role played by the IMF in its relationship with the Irish authorities in the years prior to the economic and financial collapse." For more visit www.businessworld.ie

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