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Common Corporate Performance Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Written by Contributor, on 1st Jun 2023. Posted in General

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In today's rapidly changing business environment, effective corporate performance management (CPM) is critical for organizations to remain competitive and achieve their strategic goals. However, despite its importance, many organizations struggle with CPM due to common mistakes. In this blog, we will discuss the most common CPM mistakes and how to avoid them.

What is Corporate Performance Management?

Corporate Performance Management (CPM) is a framework that enables organizations to set, monitor, and achieve their strategic goals. It involves defining goals, collecting and analyzing data, and providing feedback to individuals and teams to help them improve their performance.

Corporate Performance Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Lack of clear goals and objectives

According to CPMview, one of the most common mistakes in CPM is a lack of clear goals and objectives. When organizations don't have clearly defined goals, employees may not know what they are working towards, and their performance may suffer as a result. To avoid this mistake, organizations should develop specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and ensure that they are communicated effectively to employees.

Inadequate data collection and analysis

Another common mistake in CPM is inadequate data collection and analysis. Without accurate and timely data, organizations may struggle to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement. To avoid this mistake, organizations should invest in robust data collection and analysis systems that allow them to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and make data-driven decisions.

Failure to align individual and team goals with organizational goals

When individual and team goals are not aligned with organizational goals, it can lead to confusion and inefficiency. To avoid this mistake, organizations should ensure that all employees understand the organization's goals and how their individual and team goals contribute to those goals. This can be achieved through regular communication and performance reviews.

Overemphasis on financial performance

While financial performance is an important aspect of CPM, overemphasizing it can lead to short-term thinking and neglect of other important factors such as customer satisfaction and employee engagement. To avoid this mistake, organizations should develop a balanced scorecard that includes a range of KPIs that reflect the organization's strategic objectives.

Poor communication and feedback mechanisms

Without effective communication and feedback mechanisms, employees may not know what is expected of them or how they are performing. To avoid this mistake, organizations should establish clear lines of communication and provide regular feedback to employees.

Insufficient technology infrastructure

Technology plays a critical role in CPM. Without sufficient technology infrastructure, organizations may struggle to collect and analyze data effectively or communicate with employees. Technology can help you with things like financial consolidation. To avoid this mistake, organizations should invest in modern technology solutions that support CPM, such as business intelligence tools and performance management software.

Resistance to change

Resistance to change can be a significant barrier to effective CPM. To avoid this mistake, organizations should involve employees in the CPM process and communicate the benefits of CPM. Additionally, organizations should provide adequate training and support to employees to help them adapt to new processes and systems.

Impact of These Mistakes

Each of these CPM mistakes can harm organizational performance. For example, a lack of clear goals and objectives can lead to confusion and inefficiency, while inadequate data collection and analysis can result in missed opportunities for improvement. Overemphasizing financial performance can lead to neglect of other important factors, such as customer satisfaction, and poor communication and feedback mechanisms can result in low employee morale and disengagement.


Effective corporate performance management is critical for organizations to achieve their strategic objectives and remain competitive. By avoiding common CPM mistakes such as a lack of clear goals, inadequate data collection and analysis, and poor communication, organizations can optimize their performance and achieve long-term success.


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